The Collected Writings of Dr. James E.  McDonald


4     Introductory Remarks By Richard Hall
7     Foreward
9     Introduction

I.    Scientific Writings

12  Tucson and the Titans
22  Air Pollution
23  Nuclear Reactor Hazards
25  Weather Modification
28  Chemical Mace and Political Dissent
30  Supersonic Transport Effects on the Ozone

II.  Selected Writings on UFOs
35  Early UFO Writings
51  Letters Concerning Others in the UFO Community
54  UFOs and Energy Black-Outs
56   Crackpot Witnesses & Non-Scientific Theories
60   Government Cover-Up or Foul-Up
65   UFOs and the United Nations
67   UFOs and Congress
72   Air Force Regulations Re: Access to Bluebook
81   The Condon Report
90   High Level Politics and the Low Memorandum
95   Specific Cases of UFO Sightings
108 McDonald's Contribution to UFO Literature

III. Complete Texts of UFO Papers

118 UFOs: An International Scientific Problem
163 UFOs & the Condon Report - A Scientist's Critique
173 UFOs -- An International Scientific Problem (zip file)
221 Science, Technology, and UFOs

Iv. Bibliography, Appendix, Indexes
239 Bibliography
242 Appendix
245 Indexes

Science In Default: Twenty-Two Years of Inadequate UFO Investigations
Meteorological Factors in Unidentified Radar Returns
UFOs - Extraterrestrial Probes?
Statement on UFOs Before the House Committee on Science & Astronautics